Welcome to Harbourne's Home Page
If you want to contact me, my email address is:
b harbourne 1 @ unl . edu (just take out the spaces) .
Vital Info
Brian Harbourne, Willa Cather Professor and 2022 Fellow of the AMS
331 Avery Hall
Department of Mathematics
University of Nebraska--Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0130
Research Interests
My research interests are in Algebraic Geometry and Commutative
Algebra. Currently, I am interested in geproci point sets,
unexpected hypersurfaces, the Containment Problem, line arrangements in the plane,
and the Bounded Negativity Problem.
Most of my papers are available, at least in preliminary form, on the arXiv.
Slides of selected talks
McMaster Algebra Seminar (January 26, 2023): Geproci sets: a confluence of geometry, algebra, combinatorics and representation theory (50 minute talk)
KUMUNU (October 8-9, 2022): Algebraic Geometric Concepts Motivated by Inverse Scattering (45 minute talk)
INdAM Conference on: Strong and Weak Lefschetz Properties, 11-16 Sept, 2022: Lefschetz properties, unexpectedness and geprociness (35 minute talk)
Special Session on Commutative Algebra, Canadian Math Society (virtual meeting), December 6, 2021: The concept of geproci subsets of P3: a timeline (20 minute talk)
Matemáticas en Español, Univ. Nebraska, 2 Diciembre, 2021: La ley del grupo para curvas cúbicas (es decir, curvas algebráicas del grado 3)
Commutative Algebra Seminar, Univ. Nebraska, December 1, 2021: The concept of geproci subsets of P3: a timeline (50 minute talk)
Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra Seminar, Univ. Notre Dame, November 9, 2021: The concept of geproci subsets of projective 3-space (50 minute talk)
AMS special session, October, 23: The concept of geproci subsets of P3 (20 minute talk)
Algebra Seminar, Univ. Arkansas, April, 2021: Various versions of the resurgence and how they are related
Colloquium, Univ. Arkansas, April, 2021: Rational Amusements to Lighten a Long Year of Social Distancing
Matemáticas en Español, Univ. Nebraska, Febrero, 2021: Cómo Napier empoderó a Kepler quien inspiró a Newton a cambiar el mundo
MFO, Oberwolfach, January, 2021: H-constants and Line Arrangements
Seminario, Universidad Michoacana, Noviembre, 2019: ¿Qué tan singular puede ser una curva algebraica plana?
MFO, Oberwolfach, November, 2019: The role of line arrangements in some open problems in algebraic geometry
CIRM, Luminy, October, 2019: New work on unexpected varieties (and line arrangements) with a short history and connection to Lefschetz properties
Vietnam-USA Joint Mathematical Meeting, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, July, 2019: Recent results on computability of certain asymptotic quantities
Vancouver CMS Winter Meeting, December, 2018: Primer on unexpected hypersurfaces
Seoul KMS-AMS Joint Meeting, December, 2009: Asymptotic Invariants of Ideals of Points
Penn State AMS sectional, October, 2009: Powers versus Symbolic Powers of Ideals
Other Links
Math Dept Site Map (javascript)
Web based algorithms for fat points
October 2011 AMS meeting
October 2005 AMS meeting
Some background on the Commutative Algebra group here
Algebraic Geometry Seminar schedule
Commutative Algebra Seminar schedule
Weather (Lincoln)
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Academic Calendar
Find link to Final Exam Schedule here
UNL Schedule of Classes
Fall 2013 M445/845
Spring 2013 M953
Spring 2013 M104
Fall 2012 M471
Fall 2011 M203E
Fall 2011 M901
Spring 2011 M203E
Spring 2011 M953
Fall 2010 M203J Section 1
Fall 2010 M203J Section 2
Fall 2009 M203J
Fall 2009 M918 Algebraic Curves
Fall 2009 M896 Teaching Seminar
Spring 2009 M203J
Spring 2009 M902
Fall 2008 M203 Section 004
Fall 2008 M901
Fall 2007 M203 Section 004
Fall 2007 M203 Section 006
Spring 2007 M203
Fall 2006 M310
Spring 2006 M310
Spring 2006 M107
Fall 2005 Algebraic Geometry
Fall 2005 M314
Spring 2005 Algebraic Geometry
Spring 2005 M818
Fall 2004 M107
Fall 2004 M817
Spring 2004 M107
Spring 2004 M417
Fall 2003 M189H
Spring 03 M405
Spring 03 M417
Fall 2002 M189H
Fall 2002 M314
Spring 2002 M953
Fall 2001 M107
Fall 2001 M201
My Fall 2000 M314 Page
My Fall 2000 M200 Page
My Spr 2000 M203 Page
My Spr 2000 M452/852 Page
Spr 99 M106 Page
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