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Journals | Home pages


The majority of journals seem to have their own home pages these days, where you can view tables of contents, and (occasionally) download papers. Some of the major lists of such journals are:

Electronic Journal Links, at UC Berkeley.
The AMS Journals page.
The Mathematics Journals page, at Penn State.
The Mathematical Journals page, at the The European Mathematical Information Service.
The Mathematics Journals list, maintained by the AMS.
A list maintained by Ichiro Torisu.

Alerting services:

These pages allow you to arrange for email notification of the tables of contents of journals. Usually, it is the publishing house which runs this, and you can pick which journals of theirs to receive reports on. It was interesting to note how closely this list matched the fee-based electronic journals list, below.

AMS Journals
(Bulletin, Journal, Transactions; Conf Geom and Dyn...)
Pay attention to the email notices you get back; you need to confirm registration.
Cambridge University Press
(Bull LMS, J LMS, Math Proc Camb Phil Soc...)
ContentsDirect, from Elsevier Science.
(Topology, Top Appl, JPAA,...)
Link Alert, from Springer Verlag.
(Commentarii, Inventiones, Math Annalen, Math Zeit,...)

Some individual journals:

Downloadable papers (free):

Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
Bulletin of the AMS
Geometry and Topology (electronic journal)
The Geometric Topology preprint archive, at .
Journal of Differential Geometry; also try here.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
Topology and its Applications
Topology Proceedings
The September, 1998 issue of Classical and Quantum Gravity includes papers from the `Topology of the Universe' conference, October 1997.

Downloadable papers (fee-based):

(This usually means that your institution needs to have a subscription to the journal.)

American Journal of Mathematics
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (try also here.)
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Inventiones Mathematicae
Journal of the AMS
Journal of the London Mathematical Society (try also here.)
JSTOR (Annals of Math, AMS journals)
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. (Try also here.)
Mathematische Annalen
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Proceedings of the AMS
Transactions of the AMS

Tables of contents available:

A site in France has scans of the contents pages for about 300 journals that you can view. The last time I checked it was still going strong!

Annales de l'Institut Fourier
Communications in Analysis and Geometry
Kodai Mathematical Journal
L'Enseignement Mathématique
Geometriae Dedicata
International Mathematics Research Notes
Math Research Letters
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society

Author information available:

Knot Theory and its Ramifications
Kobe Journal of Mathematics