
Mark Brittenham's Home Page
Mark Brittenham

Professor, Department of Mathematics
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Email address:

( and also still work, but the university prefers the one above...)
Office: Avery 329

You can take a look at information related to the classes I am teaching this semester.

I've created pages containing my personal information, including my vita, and short descriptions of my papers and preprints. Most of these documents can be downloaded as Postscript or PDF files, as well.

There is also a page of links to materials related to my primary research interest, low-dimensional topology, that I have found on the Web.

I've also got a basic explanation of how to set up your own Web page, and a collection of color maps that you can use to pick the colors you might like to incorporate into your own Web pages. Naturally, there is also the ubiquitous page of various links that I have found interesting.

I've recently begun playing with the idea of building gif files to use as seamless repeating background tiles for web pages (I was inspired by this amazing page); here are my feeble efforts so far.

And you can take a look at the weather report for any of the places I have once lived.

You can also go take a look at Susan Hermiller's home page, at UN-L.

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