John C. Meakin
Professor of Mathematics

John C. Meakin Contact Information:

Department of Mathematics
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0323

Office: 810C Oldfather Hall
Phone: (402)-472-7244
Fax: (402)-472-8466

Courses & Office Hours


Ph.D. (1969), Monash University, Australia

Research interests: Algebraic theory of semigroups, geometric group theory

My main research interests are in semigroup theory and geometric group theory. Some of my particular interests are in the theory of inverse semigroups (essentially semigroups of partial symmetries of mathematical objects) and in the study of algorithmic problems in semigroups and infinite groups. My work uses geometric and topological techniques as well as ideas from automata theory, formal language theory, and mathematical logic.

I am Managing Editor of the International Journal of Algebra and Computation.

Some Selected Research Publications:

The fundamental four-spiral semigroup, J. Algebra 54 (1) (1978) 6-26 (with K. Byleen and F. Pastijn).

The partially ordered set of J-classes of a semigroup, J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 21 (1980), 244-256.

E-unitary inverse monoids and the Cayley graph of a group presentation, J. Pure Appl. Algebra (with S.W. Margolis), 58 (1989), 45-76.

Inverse monoids, trees and context-free languages, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 335, No. 1, 1993, 259-276 (with S.W. Margolis).

Free inverse monoids and graph immersions, Int. J. Algebra and Computation Vol. 3, No. 1 (1993), 79-99 (with S.W. Margolis).

Bass-Serre Theory of groupoids and the structure of full regular semigroup amalgams (with S. Haataja and S. Margolis), J. Algebra 183, 1996, 38-54.

PSPACE complete problems for subgroups of free groups and finite inverse automata (with J-C. Birget, S. Margolis and P.Weil), Theoretical Computer Science 242, 2000, 247-281.

One-relator inverse monoids and one-relator groups (with S. Ivanov and S. Margolis), J Pure and Applied Alg. 159 (2001), 83-111.

Complete list of research publications

Some links:

American Mathematical Society

Mathematical Association of American

Association for Women in Mathematics

Australian Mathematical Society

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute

Go to Jon McCammond's home page for all kinds of information about geometric group theory.

Go to Jim Renshaw's home page for all kinds of information about semigroup theory.

UNL Department of Mathematics

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