I am a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, working with Dr. Alex Zupan and Dr. Mark Brittenham. I earned my B.A. in mathematics from Willamette University, and my M.A. in mathematics from UNL.Research
I am interested in low-dimensional topology and geometric topology, particularly trisections of smooth 4-manifolds. You can view my CV here.Publications:
- L. Crawford, V. Ponomarenko, J. Steinberg, M. Williams. Accepted Elasticity in Local Arithmetic Congruence Monoids, Results in Mathematics vol. 66, Springer, pp. 227-245. September 2014.
- *Trisecting Surface Bundles over Surfaces, AMS Special Session on Women in Topology, Joint Mathematics Meetings (January 2019)
- *An Introduction to Trisections and Surface
Bundles, University of Iowa topology seminar
(October 2018)
- *Trisecting an S2 bundle over RP2, AMS
Special Session on Connections Between Trisections of
4-manifolds and Low-dimensional Topology, Boston,
MA (April 2018)
- *Knot Theory and Beyond, Great Plains Alliance talk at Benedictine College (April 2018)
- *Surface Bundles over Surfaces, Winter
Trisectors Meeting, University of Georgia
(February 2018)
- 2-dimensional pictures of 4-dimensional spaces,
UNL graduate student seminar (February 2018)
- On Trisections of
4-Manifolds, Joint Mathematics Meetings
(January 2018)
- Trisections of 4-Manifolds, UNL graduate student topology seminar (October 2017)
- *Trisections of 4-Manifolds, Nebraska Wesleyan University math club (October 2017)
- *Knot Theory and Beyond, Creighton University Mathematics Undergraduate Conference (October 2017)
- Tricoloring Bridge Trisections, UNL topology seminar (April 2017)
- Heegaard Splittings of 3-Manifolds, UNL topology seminar (November 2016)
Current:- (TA) Differential Equations. Course materials for
students can be found on Canvas. Since this
is the first semester in which a recitation is offered,
I am co-developing curriculum with the other
- Calculus III (Fall 2018)
- Associate Convenor for College Algebra and Trigonometry (AY 2017-2018). This involved coordinating 4 (spring) - 12 (fall) sections of Math 103, writing quizzes, improving curriculum, making decisions regarding grading, and running weekly course meetings with all of the instructors.
- College Algebra and Trigonometry (Fall 2016, Fall
- Geometry Matters (Spring 2017)
- Contemporary Mathematics (Summer 2016)
- College Algebra (Fall 2015, Spring 2016)
- (TA) Calculus II (Fall 2014, Summer 2015)
- (TA) Calculus I (Spring 2015)