BUGBOX Mathematical Modeling Simulations

BUGBOX software is for inquiry-based learning of mathematical modeling for population dynamics. The software creates a virtual laboratory space inhabited by virtual insects. Students conduct experiments and devise mathematical models to predict the experiment results.

In BUGBOX-predator, students do experiments to find a relationship between prey density and consumption by one predator. The program is a virtual adaptation of the human simulation described in a classic 1959 paper by C. S. Holling. [Netlogo version posted on 2022/07/16.]

In BUGBOX-population, students observe the changes in the insect population to discover aspects of the insects' life cycle. They can construct a simple linear difference equation model, using their observations to estimate the parameter values. Four different scenarios give a sequence of increasing complexity. [Netlogo version posted on 2022/07/16.]

Everyone is welcome to use BUGBOX for their courses. I would just appreciate an email to let me know.

BUGBOX-predator was originally written in python 2, with extensive use of the pygame and pgu packages, and converted into an executable using py2exe. BUGBOX-population was originally written in python 3, with the built-in tkinter GUI package, and converted into a windows executable using cx_Freeze.

Netlogo has become the standard software for agent-based modeling such as is required for the BUGBOX software. There is extensive documentation on-line. People interested in writing agent-based models in Netlogo should also consult Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling, 2nd edition, by Steven F. Railsback and Volker Grimm.