The Fourth Annual Regional Workshop in the Mathematical Sciences

As the contents of this page are of a past conference, no attempt to update the page has been made in order to preserve the historical context.

Directions to the Wiegands' house

Go east to 27th Street (about a mile east of the University of Nebraska Union). Turn right (south) and proceed in reverse lexicographic order to "A" Street (traffic light). Continue another half mile to South Street (traffic light). Continue three more blocks to Park Street. Turn right (west) and find a place to park either on Park Street or on Sheridan (which is generally diagonal but at this latitude is one block west of 27th Street). Lake Street (one block south of Park) would also be a good place to park. The house is on the southwest corner of Park Street and Sheridan Boulevard. The address is 2400 Sheridan Boulevard, and the phone number is 476-7260.

Click here for a map showing the location of the Wiegands' house.