Publications by David R. Pitts

The list below contains my publications, mostly in chronological order. Preprints are in PDF format from Adobe. (To view the files in PDF format, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer; it can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe Acrobat Reader Web site.)

  1. Factorization Problems for Nests: Factorization Methods and Characterizations of the Universal Factorization Property, Journal of Functional Analysis, (79) (1988), 57--90.
  2. On the $K_0$ Groups of Nest Algebras, K-Theory, (2) (1989), 737--752.
  3. Compactness and Complete Distributivity for Commutative Subspace Lattices (with K. R. Davidson), Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2), Vol. 42 (1990), 147--159.
  4. Idempotents in Nest Algebras (with D. R. Larson), Journal of Functional Analysis, 97 (1991), 162--193.
  5. Some Questions Concerning Nest Algebras (with D. R. Larson), in ``Selfadjoint and Nonselfadjoint Operator Algebras and Operator Theory,'' (Robert S. Doran, Ed.), Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 120, (1991), 89--96.
  6. A Note on the Connectedness Problem for Nest Algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 114(1) (1992), 181--183.
  7. Perturbations of Certain Reflexive Algebras, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 165(1) (1994), 161--180.
  8. Close CSL Algebras are Similiar, Mathematiche Annalen, 300 (1994), 149--156.
  9. Approximate Unitary Equivalence of Completely Distributive Commutative Subspace Lattices (with K. R. Davidson), Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Vol. 22(5) (1995), 196--211.
  10. Connectedness of the Invertibles in Certain Nest Algebras (with K. R. Davidson and J. L. Orr), Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 38(4) (1995), 412--420.
  11. Factorization of triangular operators and ideals through the diagonal (with J. Orr), Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 40 (1997), 227--241.
  12. Invariant Subspaces and Hyper-reflexivity for Free Semigroup Algebras (with K. R. Davidson), Proc. London Math. Soc., 78(2) (1999), 401--430.
  13. The Algebraic Structure of Non-commutative Analytic Toeplitz Algebras (with K. R. Davidson), Mathematiche Annalen, 311(2) (1998), 275--303.
  14. Nevanlinna--Pick Interpolation for Non-commutative Analytic Toeplitz Algebras (with K. R. Davidson), Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Vol. 31(5) (1998), 321--337.
  15. The Structure of Free Semigroup Algebras, (with K. R. Davidson and E. G. Katsoulis), Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), Vol. 533, (2001), 99--125.
  16. Automatic Closure of Invariant Linear Manifolds for Operator Algebras, (with A. Donsig and A. Hopenwasser), Illinois Math. J., Vol 45(3), (2001), 787--802.
  17. Algebraic Isomorphisms and Spectra of Triangular Limit Algebras, with Allan Donsig and Stephen Power, Indiana University Math. J., Vol. 50, (2001), 1131--1147.
  18. Global Existence and Non-existence Theorems for Nonlinear Wave Equations, (with M. Rammaha), Indiana University Math. J., vol. 51, (2002), 1479--1509.
  19. Absolutely Continuous Representations and a Kaplansky Density Theorem for Free Semigroup Algebras, (with K. Davidson and J. Li) Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 224, Issue 1, 1 July 2005, Pages 160-191.
  20. Coordinate Systems and Bounded Isomorphisms, (with A. Donsig), Journal of Operator Theory, Vol. 59(2), (2008), 359--416.
  21. Norming Algebras and Automatic Complete Boundedness of Isomorphisms of Operator Algebras, Proc. American Math. Soc, Volume 136, number 5, May 2008, pages 1757--1768.
  22. Structure for Regular Inclusions. (Unpublished)
    This 2012 preprint can be downloaded from the arXiv or from here.
    Notes and Updates:
    Readers should consult the updated versions of this article as follows.
  23. Bimodules over Cartan MASAs in von Neumann Algebras, Norming Algebras, and Mercer's Theorem, (with J. Cameron and V. Zarikian), New York Journal of Mathematics, 19, (2013), 455-486.
  24. Isomorphisms of Lattices of Bures-Closed Bimodules over Cartan MASAs, (with A. Fuller), New York Journal of Mathematics, 19, (2013), 657-668.
  25. Von Neumann Algebras and Extensions of Inverse Semigroups (with A. Donsig and A. Fuller), Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Vol. 60(1), (2016), 57-97
  26. Unique Pseudo-Expectations for C*-Inclusions, (with V. Zarikian), Illinois Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 59(2), Summer 2015, 449-483.
  27. Structure for Regular Inclusions. I; Journal of Operator Theory, Vol. 78(2), (2017), 357-416, doi: 10.7900/jot.2016sep15.2128. In addition to new results on minimal norms, this 2017 publication contains the results of sections 1-6 and 9 of the 2012 preprint ``Structure for Regular Inclusions'' listed above.
  28. Cartan Triples (with A. Donsig and A. Fuller), International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol 2021 (issue 11), June 2021, 8007-8070.
  29. Characterizing Groupoid C*-Algebras of Non-Hausdorff Etale Groupoids (with R. Exel), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2306 (2022).
  30. Graded C*-Algebras and Twisted Groupoid C*-Algebras (with J. Brown, A. Fuller and S. Reznikoff), New York Journal of Mathematics, 27, (2021), 205-252.
  31. Intermediate C*-algebras of Cartan Embeddings (with J. Brown, R. Exel, A. Fuller and S. Reznikoff), Proc. American Math. Soc., Series B, 8, (2021), 27-41.
  32. Structure for Regular Inclusions. II: Cartan Envelopes, Pseudo-Expectations and Twists. Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 281, Issue 1, 1 July 2021, 108993
    This article introduces the idea of a Cartan envelope for a regular inclusion and studies the relationship between the Cartan envelope, pseudo-expectations and twists. Updated and streamlined versions of results of Section 8 of the 2012 preprint, ``Structure for Regular Inclusions,'' listed above are included in this article.
  33. Regular Ideals of Graph Algebras (with J. Brown, A. Fuller and S. Reznikoff). Rocky Mountain J. Math., 52, (2022), No. 1, 43-48.
  34. Normalizers and Approximate Units for Inclusions of C*-Algebras. Indiana University Mathematics Journal, to appear.
  35. Exotic Ideals in Represented Free Transformation Groups (with R. Exel and V. Zarikian), Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society